Facts and Fun: Phone Service Edition

Enhancing Security and Efficiency with Surveillance Cameras in Your Convenience Store

As a convenience store owner, ensuring the safety and security of your customers and employees is always a top priority. One effective way to achieve this goal is by installing surveillance cameras throughout your store. Not only do surveillance cameras help deter theft and criminal activity, but they also provide valuable insights into customer behavior and store operations. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of using surveillance cameras in your convenience store and how they can help improve both security and efficiency.   Read More...

Why You Should Consider Hiring A Cable Service For Your Business Cable Installation Needs

In today's fast-paced digital age, businesses rely heavily on technology to stay ahead of the competition. One of the most crucial aspects of technology for businesses is their cable installation. Unfortunately, not all businesses have the technical know-how or resources to handle this task on their own. This is where hiring a cable service can come in handy. Here's a short list of reasons why you should consider hiring a cable service for your business cable installation needs.   Read More...

Four Advantages To Using Digital Telecommunications Services For Your Small Business

If you have an older phone system or at least one that is not fully integrated with all of your communication systems, you need to consider having a modern telecommunications system installed in your office. Voice over internet protocol, or VoIP, is a technology that allows you to combine a phone system with the internet. With this technology, you can take advantage of many services that you don't have. There is a wide range of communication products that can be included in one system.   Read More...

Don't Get Caught Off Guard: Tips To Create A Well-Rounded Surveillance Camera System

Protecting property from intruders and trespassers is a top priority for many people. As such, having the right surveillance camera system in place can make all the difference in deterring crime and keeping your home or business safe. But with so many different ideas out there, it's difficult to know how you can create a solid surveillance camera system.  This article explores some tips on how to create a well-rounded surveillance camera system that meets your specific needs.   Read More...

Why You Really Don't Want To Go All-WiFi In Your Office

Offices looking to save money may consider making all network connections wireless. And it can be done in theory, but in reality, you are better off with office devices connected via data cables. Signal reception, network traffic, and human error all make non-cabled work a lot tougher to keep safe. Ethernet Speeds Are Constant, WiFi Is Not Wireless connection speed can vary depending on reception and traffic. A computer that's connected via an ethernet cable will have consistent speeds.   Read More...